Story Telling Skills


The Art of Making Small Talk and Telling An Engaging Story

In 1936 a man by the name of Dale Carnegie wrote a book that outsold anybody’s wildest dreams –

“How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

That book created an industry that is still alive today.

The book itself is 75 years old – is it dated? – YES.

Is it out-of-date? – NO.

The reason for this contradiction is that the principles that Dale Carnegie wrote in his book pertain to basic communication between people.

Carole Martin, Master Story Teller

Everybody has stories…But, it’s HOW you tell the story that makes the difference!

By becoming a better storyteller, you will find that you now have increased engagement, improved communication skills, stronger leadership presence, and the ability to connect with audiences on a deeper level and you’ll find yourself enjoying your social engagements much more.


It’s about STORIES and STORYTELLING in any type of social, professional and business encounter.


When you tell interesting stories, you  improve your hiring possibilities and improve your social skills.

Who Is This Program For?

Business professionals, educators, salespeople, public speakers, job seekers, club leaders, entreprenuers…really anyone who has business and social interactions.

This is a “hands-on” experience where you will get direct feedback from me, Carole Martin, Master Storyteller.

I often get asked, “how can I learn to tell stories like you?”

I can help you in three ways….read on.

How I Can Help You Tell Your Best Stories

Live Session

The Live Session option includes instruction materials with critique samples and a Coaching Phone Session for 1 hour (approximately).
I will teach you how to improve your storytelling techniques through examples and exercises.

This session will be recorded. The link will be sent to you so that you can listen to yourself and how you are coming across. We will discuss techniques to improve your story.

Written Critique

The Written Critique option includes instruction materials with critique samples.

This option has no live interaction.

You send me via email your stories and I critique them.

I do my best to give you a 24 hour turnaround.

Social Small Talk

My story-telling critiques are unbiased and straightforward. (no place for sensitive feelings, this is a learning and practicing effort.)

I love seeing people learn and improve their communication skills! Let’s work together to boost YOUR story-telling skills.

Success Stories

"I think the biggest impact for me personally was getting in the habit of talking about my thought process/feelings, not just reciting a string of events."

"Forcing me to write down all my stories also really helped with recall (I didn't have to pause more than a couple seconds to answer any of the questions)."

"Your critiques & direction is what got me through this one. I was able to polish up my stories to “tell the story”. It was night and day difference in comparing my first attempt with this one."

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